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It is no secret that our hair needs basic nutrients to thrive, which is why I use these hair masks. They keep my hair soft, shiny, thick, and healthy. For the most part, I usually have my hair in protective styles. But when I take out my protective styles, I make it a necessary step to use these hair mask to help restore the nutrients in my hair. Not everyone really has the time or patience for a DIY, so in this case you can always use store bought hair masks. My all time favourite is the Cantu Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque.

Keep reading to see my three go-to DIY masks for natural hair!

Aloe-Vera + Honey + Coconut oil

This is the hair mask I find myself gravitating towards, just because I always have these ingredients at home. Aloe Vera helps to prevent dandruff, tame frizzy hair, remove oil build-up, and promote hair growth. Honey is a gift sent from God (no lie!). I use it for my pancakes, toast, face masks, acne scars, skin irritations, and hair masks. It has natural anti-bacterial properties, and helps to cleanse my scalp and stimulate hair growth. I use coconut oil for added moisture but the oil choice is totally up to you.

Banana + Egg + Olive Oil

I got this hair mask idea from my mother and it's very beneficial (mama knows best always!). I read in an article that hypokalemia (potassium deficiency) can actually lead to hair loss. Banana is very high in potassium which is why it helps to promote hair growth alongside preventing split ends and breakage. Eggs are high in protein, and it is known that protein is synonymous to growth. Therefore, it is no surprise that eggs are highly beneficial to the hair. Eggs act as a natural conditioner and also help to add a natural shine and strengthen hair.

Quick tip: If you have dry/normal hair, use the egg yolk. The egg yolk helps to add moisture to dry hair. If you have extremely oily hair, use the egg whites to help remove the excess oil. I use olive oil for added moisture.

Castor Oil + Avocado + Honey + Egg

This hair mask has to be my favourite! I'm not really a big fan of the avocado taste. Nevertheless, I love the benefits of avocados to my hair. Avocado helps to promote hair growth. It also enhances hair shine, prevents dandruff, and adds moisture to the hair. The benefits of the other ingredients (Honey and Egg) are listed above. Like the other two hair masks, I use castor oil for an added moisture.

Thanks for reading! What are your go-to DIY hair masks? Also, if you are interested in my DIY face masks, comment below!



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